Take a break: Articulation of the pedagogies of differences in the context of university teaching





differences, pedagogy of adults, pedagogy of the other, university teaching


The pedagogies of differences are based on recognizing the other person, talking to make educational processes create and new knowledge within an immediate context, which pushes the educational system to respond to certain parameters or indicators from doing and teach in classrooms. Therefore, the proposed objective is to reflect on the exercise of university teaching from the pedagogies of differences proposed by Carlos Skliar. As a result of the above, it is considered the relevance of making a stop in the rush so as not to overlook the training processes of the students; recognize the multiplicity, doing education and conversation within the university context; as well as otherness as an important aspect within the educational weighing, since it reveals a "normality", which cannot be sustained within university classrooms. Therefore, the articulation of the pedagogies of differences for university teaching lies in reflecting on the urgency, resuming the conversation in the classroom, as well as the responsibility of the teacher and recognizing the people who are part of the pedagogical act.

Author Biography

Tatiana Jimenez Cerdas, Universidad de Costa Rica

Docente en la Sección de Educación Preescolar en la Universidad de Costa Rica. Maestría profesional en Administración y licenciada en Artes Escénicas de la Universidad Nacional. 


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How to Cite

Jimenez Cerdas, T. (2023). Take a break: Articulation of the pedagogies of differences in the context of university teaching. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 18(2), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.15359/rep.18-2.2

How to Cite

Jimenez Cerdas, T. (2023). Take a break: Articulation of the pedagogies of differences in the context of university teaching. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 18(2), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.15359/rep.18-2.2

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